TNE impact case study: Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT)

Queen Mary University (QMUL), Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT)
Collaboration type:
Double/Joint Degree
SDG Goals:
(4) Quality Education
United Kingdom, China
Dr Atm Alam - Lecturer and Programme Lead of Electronic Information Engineering, Dr Ling Ma - Senior Lecturer and Deputy Director of BUPT-QMUL Joint Teaching and Learning Centre (JTLC), Dr Michael Chai - Reader and Director of BUPT-QMUL Joint Programme (JP)

Background and overview of the case study

The Transnational Education (TNE) partnership between Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) was established in 2004 that offers innovative joint undergraduate degree programmes (JP). Through the QMUL-BUPT JP, it is to bring out the best of both education systems – the rigour on science and mathematics associated with the Chinese degree and the engineering and transferrable skills emphasised by the UK degree.

The programmes under the QMUL-BUPT JP are approved by the China’s Ministry of Education (MoE) and the UK’s Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), and are accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). Henceforth, students are equipped with unique skills and two degree certificates that are highly valuable around the world.

One of the key characteristics of JP is the delivery of quality education to JP students while keeping the exact standard that QMUL’s London students experience, which is to transfer the skills required to achieve the QMUL’s Graduate Attributes. It enables our JP graduates to prepare themselves well-equipped with advanced knowledge with an exciting and enriching experience. Additionally, the QMUL-BUPT JP has two centres: JP Innovation Centre (JPIC) promoting continued work by students which leads to knowledge transfer products or research outputs, and BUPT-QMUL Joint Teaching and Learning Centre (JTLC) promoting excellence in teaching and learning by staff members and sharing best practices for transnational education.

Last, but not the least, the QMUL-BUPT JP offers student preparedness for employment, a.k.a, graduate readiness for the employment market, as well as for further education. Also, we are proud to say that there are several spinout companies by our graduates. As a part of our expansion, the partnership is also setting up a Joint Educational Institution (JEI), under which there will be two brand new programmes meeting the new demand of both countries.

Impact and value

There is a high demand of British education for many countries, and the QMUL-BUPT JP is committed to internationalise higher education making accessible high-quality education to thousands of Chinese students by providing valuable cultural capital in the forms of knowledge, transferable skills, dispositions, and qualification.

The QMUL-BUPT JP combining the strength of both universities with specialising in Telecommunication Engineering, e-Commerce Engineering and Internet of Things is not only offering equal access to high-quality engineering education, but also producing globally competent graduates, which are the key to sustainable development, improving overall quality of life and securing a successful future.

Our JP students are expected to be equipped with essential skills such as developing the critical thinking and creativity, organisational ability, teamwork spirit, self-learning, innovation and entrepreneurship ability. In additional to that, all of JP students have an opportunity to experience the education and academic activities at London campus.

As a result, JP graduates experience a career-related benefit of obtaining an immediate employment after their graduation or progressing to further their education (a record of 100% employment or post-graduate education) and English language proficiency. We have been graduating more than 500 students per year in the past 14 years and it is also important to note that among the JP graduates there are almost equal percentages of male and female graduates receiving engineering education.

JP’s core mission is to deliver high-standard education in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science subjects and produce globally competent graduates via Internationalising Higher Education directly contributes towards the UN SDG’s aim of achieving universal access to a quality higher education and improving education capacity globally. Consequently, educating for global competence can help form new generations who care about global issues and engage in tackling social, political, economic and environmental challenges (indirect impacts to other UN SDGs).

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